

According to the Area You Will Use

What Would You Like To Cook?

The most suitable Pakmaya products you can use according to what you want to cook.

Recipes with Pakmaya from Mutfağın Yıldızı

3-2-1 Pogaca

Learn the tips and tricks for making quick, non-stale pogaca with the 3-2-1 Pogaca Recipe from Mutfağın Yıldızı!!

Pudding Biscuit Cake

We have prepared a great recipe that you can prepare both easily and quickly.

Non-stale Pogaca

In all recipes that everyone will enjoy consuming, make sure to include Pakmaya! We have prepared our easy, non-stale, yeast-free puff pastry recipe for you at Pakmaya Mutfağın Yıldızı.